
01 Soups
Kharcho Bagration
A very thick tomato spicy soup, slightly spicy, made from beef with rice, walnuts, garlic and herbs.
250 ฿
Ukrainian Borsch
Chowder from meat broth of cabbage, beets, carrots, celery. Served with donuts with butter-garlic sauce.
280 ฿
Chicken soup
Very rich rich chicken broth.
220 ฿
Okroshka (on kvass/on kefir/on whey)
Cold soup of finely chopped boiled eggs, boiled beef, radishes, potatoes. Refueled with a choice of kvass, kefir or whey. Served with sour cream and herbs.
250 ฿
Solyanka ODESSA
Thick dressing soup of several types of meat, with the addition of beef and pork tongue, olives, capers, and seasoning.
280 ฿
Soup with beef meatballs
Chicken broth soup with beef meatballs.
240 ฿
Scandinavian Fish soup
Fish soup with cream and sun-dried tomatoes.
490 ฿
Fish soup
Fish soup with potatoes, carrots, and herbs.
490 ฿
Pea soup
Soup cooked on smoked meats with the addition of ham. Served with crackers.
250 ฿
02 Salads
03 Breakfast
04 Vegetable pancakes "Draniki"
05 Appetizers
06 Pickles
07 Main dishes
08 Dumplings
09 Fish
10 Side dish
11 Dessert
12 Extras
13 Juice, Cold & Hot Drinks
14 Cocktails
15 Beers, Spirits & Liquors
16 Wine & Champagne
{{cart.total_price}} ฿

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{{item.total_price}} ฿
{{cart.total_price}} ฿

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